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Our Program Services

Alcohol and Drug Education

We partner with a variety of agencies to provide alcohol and drug education classes for teens in the community.

After School Tutoring

Students have the opportunity to have a safe place to complete homework and receive assistance with classes from Kindergarten through high school.

Computer Instruction

We offer computer skills classes that teach students the basics of the Microsoft Office Suite and navigation of the Internet.

Job Skills Training

As students graduate from high school, we provide job skills training to help prepare them for the workforce.

Music, Art and Theater Classes

Teens can showcase their skills and talents through musical, art and theater classes.

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Health Education Classes

Teens are provided information and resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Mentoring Opportunities

After careful background checks and interviewing, we match teens with different organizations for mentoring opportunities.

Educational Field Trips

Our program provides a variety of educational field trips to supplement the learning experiences for our students.

Parenting Classes

Classes are provided to teach new teen parents how to grow successful and healthy families.

Family Activities

We provide opportunities to encourage positive family interaction and fun.

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